PSO2 & GameGuard Error

2021年3月24日—IhaveinstalledthegameseveraltimesalreadybutwheneverItrytoplay,theGameGuardtooldoesn'tupdate,thenitclosesthelauncher/game ...,2021年3月12日—RecentlymyPSO2won'tstartandIhavenoideawhythisisoccurring.Inaddition,thelauncherandTweakerseem...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Game Guard Problem :

2021年3月24日 — I have installed the game several times already but whenever I try to play, the Game Guard tool doesn't update, then it closes the launcher/game ...

Game won't start. GameGuard error 340, 350, 360, 361, 380

2021年3月12日 — Recently my PSO2 won't start and I have no idea why this is occurring. In addition, the launcher and Tweaker seems to take longer to load ...

Gameguard Error

2013年7月8日 — I think that means there is a problem with your connection to the server. You might have to just leave it alone for a few hours and try again ...

GameGuard Problem with PSO2

2021年6月12日 — If it detects you are using anything too up to date, Game Guard will fail. The only real fix for Game Guard issues is to not play anything that ...

nProtect GameGuard FAQ

GameGuard checks for latest update every time it is launched. Error code 340, 350, 360, 361, 380 occurs when the update has been failed. 1. Limited connection ...

Pso2 fix??

2022年7月30日 — This ain't a solution, just a suggestion, but Maybe deleting the game guard folder and doing a file check on steam might maybe perhaps work?

PSO2 Nprotect GameGuard Issues (9042012)

2012年9月4日 — Gameguard was updated on Tuesday, September 4th. According to Sega, they have identified the source of the problem based on the reports everyone

Windows 1011 GameGuard error

2023年10月4日 — Error 110 indicates that NProtect has been loaded once but still resides in your computer's memory. Open Task Manager from CTRL+ALT+DELETE, ...


2013年9月4日 — 一部の環境にて異常がないにも関わらず、ゲーム起動時にGameGuardエラー 340、350、360、361、380が表示されてしまう症状を確認しております。


2021年3月24日—IhaveinstalledthegameseveraltimesalreadybutwheneverItrytoplay,theGameGuardtooldoesn'tupdate,thenitclosesthelauncher/game ...,2021年3月12日—RecentlymyPSO2won'tstartandIhavenoideawhythisisoccurring.Inaddition,thelauncherandTweakerseemstotakelongertoload ...,2013年7月8日—Ithinkthatmeansthereisaproblemwithyourconnectiontotheserver.Youmighthavetojustleaveitaloneforafewhoursandtryagain...